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Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IC Cable Review by DM

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Model: Silver Reference IC
Category: Cable
Suggested Retail Price: $898/m
Description: silver conductor reference interconnect
Manufacturer URL: Acoustic Zen

Review by DM (A) on January 26, 2006 at 02:27:21
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for the Silver Reference IC

Here's just a quick note of the Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II that I just received, comparing it to the Harmonic Technology Pro Silway Mk II. Even though it is based on a short audition, the differences were that apparent that I feel I can write this.

I bought the AZ on Audiogon, and then had it sent to AZ in San Diego to have it re-terminated into 2 shorter ICs (I will be moving to separates shortly).

The Arcam FMJ CD23 has 2 outputs, making it very easy to compare ICs. I hooked the AZ up yesterday evening, on the output that has volume control in the signalpath. Though this degrades the sound a little bit, I feel that a new contender should be able to overcome that and still prove its superiority ;o).

I used Radiohead's 'All hail to the chief' and Jack Johnson's 'Bushfire Fairytales' for this short comparison. As the AZ IC was bought secondhand, I guess it is well burnt-in.

My livingroom makes it difficult for me to achieve a good setup. At the moment, I am using a sort of longwall version, with the speakers quite close to the back wall, but far away from the sidewalls. Distance between speakers is about 2.5 meters, from the listening position it's about 2.8. That's little over 8 and over 9 feet, respectively.

Differences between the ICs were obvious from the first second onwards. Soundstage increased considerably both in width and in depth. Instruments occupied their own place in space much better, individual melodic lines could be followed much better, and Tom Yorke, whose voice especially on AHTTT is difficult to follow, articulated much better lol! Basslines cleaned up, a number of new sounds appeared, highs were better...

Basically, all the audiophile yada yada criteria were fulfilled. At double the price, one should expect this, and the AZ delivered.

Now for the most important criteria: musicality and synergy. The first one can only occur if the second one is fulfilled. It is IMO quite difficult to achieve synergy in a set, and spending more money has nothing to do with finding synergy. I've heard EUR 250,000 sets were there was no synergy between the expensive components, and subsequently no music was played there. And even thoug both the Pro Silway Mk II and the Silver Reference II are designed by mr. Robert Lee, synergy is not a given!

But I am here to tell you that the new IC fits in my system beautifully, and the music is still there, not just there but at a higher level than before! One is more drawn into the music than before, and the emotional connection to the music has been improved. I am very happy with the new IC!!

It will be interesting to see what it does on worse-recorded cd's, but I am quite confident that it will fare well. In short time, I will receive a Modwright SWL 9.0 SE preamp and AudioSector Patek SE amp, and hopefully that will bring my system up another notch. Stay tuned to hear what the AZ Silver Reference II will do in that system!

A special word of thanks goes out to mr. Robert Lee of Acoustic Zen, who has been very helpful. A true gentleman that goes out of his way to service his customers. I was delighted to find the package over here in the Netherlands not only much faster than anticipated, but also including a cd with new music. And music is what it's all about.

Product Weakness: None detected
Product Strengths: See review

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: Unison Research S8
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): -
Sources (CDP/Turntable): Arcam FMJ CD23
Speakers: Xavian XN270 (2way closed-box monitor)
Cables/Interconnects: AZ Satori SP, HT Pro Silway MKII IC, Pro-AC 11 PC,
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Radiohead, Jack Johnson
Room Size (LxWxH): 28 x 11 x 10
Room Comments/Treatments: Wooden floors, not easy in the bass
Other (Power Conditioner etc.): -
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner

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