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Re: New Gold Lion KT88s

They look kinda cool. I suspect they will be "GLINOS" tho-- Gold Lion In Name Only. I sincerely hope to be 100% wrong. GOD it'd be nice to be wrong, and get $240/quad KT88s that have the $2k sound. What I know for sure is that while New Sensors' reissues of the TungSol 6550, Mullard EL34, and TungSol 12AX7 are of decent quality and reliability, they sound absolutely nothing like the originals. I'm not saying they are bad; they just don't sound anything like the originals. If I were a gambling man, I'd bet on the Shuguang KT88 solid plate GEC copy to sound WAY better, and WAY closer to the original. Having heard the Shuguang KT88 for extended periods, I can say it's FAIRLY close, and the differences from the REAL Gold Lion KT88 are kinda nice, in a way. Finally, no matter HOW GREAT the OTHER Gold Lion KT88 reissue(at least in the land of maybe, possibly, gonna be made)Western Electrics' "Gold Lion KT88" (due in 2017!)turns out to be... at the projected $1700 a quad price (really)the New Sensor tube s a real problem. Western Elec totally dropped the ball delaying; New Sensors price, and the fact that they did it first will very much dissipate ANY buzz that Western might still have surrounding their reissue plans. IF the New Sensor turns out not all THAT great, that too will hurt Western Elec as audiophiles will think "Yeah, here's ANOTHER overpriced, inferior modern production reissue" Just my opinion. I'm sure these Gold Lion KT88s will have New Sensors' famed reliability and as such be a success, though. People seem to like the E-H KT88; the question will be "Is this 'Gold Lion' that much better as to be sonically worth the price of 2 quads of E-H'KT88?"

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