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Caved in soft dome tweeters - What to do?

I need some advice regarding damaged Dynaudio D28/2 domes. I left the grills off one day and came home to find them caved in. It doesn't matter who did what because I have two young kids and I can't blame them; I can only blame myself. Ever since this happened I have noticed that things were amiss. Lack of dynamics, air, loss of definition from top to bottom etc.

The first thing I need to know is if I can replace just the soft domes without replacing the complete drive units. I have not taken them apart yet to see if this is possible and am reluctant to do so at this point. Replacing the domes would be great because otherwise I have to send them back at great expense for manufacturer replacement at $220 for a matched pair plus over a $100 for shipping. I'll do it without hesitation but if I have another option I'd be relieved.

If I can replace the domes, where can a person get the necessary parts?

If the domes can not be replaced then I'll send them in rather than putting in new drives myself because they have been modified by the designer and I don't think it would be advisable to try and copy whatever he did. Thanks in advance.

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Topic - Caved in soft dome tweeters - What to do? - To embarrassed 20:38:15 03/07/99 (7)

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