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Here is the remainder of the response, directly from them to you (somehow it got deleted):


Posted by Dr.J ( S ) ) on February 9, 2010 at 22:42:30

In Reply to: MODERATORS: PLEASE REMOVE FALSE SALE ADS!! posted by Winston Smith on February 7, 2010 at 09:20:20:

Mr. Smith,

I can assure you that there was no intention to mislead anyone! You have appearently never dealt with us in the past. I believe we have an excellent history of customer service.

As for the ad, that was my mistake. For some reason, I just assumed the post would roll away into the abyss. It did not occur to me that it would hang around. Further, I did not know how long the sale would run. I knew it would run through to the end of the year. Since we had a couple of closures during the holidays, I continued it thru Jan. 18th.

When one would follow the link to our home page, a pop up would read "SALE!" If you clicked on the link, it would take you to the "Specials" page. This link is also present on the home page marked "Specials". The terms of the sale were listed on the Specials page. After the sale was over, the page reads as it does now, "Check back soon!". The pop up also disappeared. I guess I also did not consider that anyone might assume a sale would last infinitely, even though, two months is a long time.

As for Elliot, the "sales rep" you speak of. Hot Springs, where our warehouse is located, was in the middle of a winter weather storm. His help was out sick. Power and phones were intermittent. UPS was running very early. I'm surprised they ran at all. He was in a constant rush all day. Not to mention that the packages that could not be packed in time for the unusually early pick up, had to be delivered by him (in bad weather) to the UPS hub. Why, because a handful of customers would just not understand a day late shipment. As you pointed out above, I'll just assume this has more to do with the stressed state of affairs that we are living with today.

Elliot did not actually know about that particular post. However, he was aware of a two month sale that had just ended two weeks before your inquiry. I'm sure he was quite confussed, besides being overwhelmed with the issues of the day. Where he faultered was not putting me in touch with you. He did tell me about your call. I asked if you had left a contact number, he said you did not. He did have your number on his call log, but we both felt that it would be inappropriate to contact you thru that means.

The Bored contacted me on the 7th, but had included the wrong link and issue. So, I just assumed a mistake. Today, I received another (proper) message from The Bored, hence, my prompt response. I tried to delete the post. It seems this is not possible due to the age of the post, but I did edit it. If The Bored would delete it altogether, that would be great. They might also delete the two ads I found from 06' and 07':

They do not list end dates either. While no one has ever had an issue like this before, I would prefer to head this kind of thing off now. As hard as we have worked for our reputation, it does my heart no good to read a post like yours. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or suffering that this issue has caused you.

Jeff Glowacki
Sonic Craft, Inc.


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