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RE: Blaming this administration for the current happenings is like blaming...

this is far more nuanced and accurate, thank you!

the term 'deep state' used to mean the entrenched MIC and Intel agencies

it then became a buzzword term for any aspect of gov't and it's civil servants that fell under criticism from either major political party [the 'majors]' and their adherents, though with much more prevalent usage by 'the right' just as 'fake news' turned into the meme & trope it did

as you've intimated politics aims any nation's military and intel resources but once the trigger is pulled their actions gain momentum until a state of inertia is reached and that becomes a feature of the political landscape that's included in the calculations of either of the majors at the levers of power

that's why what we've seen play out in Afghanistan bears such an 'eerie resemblance' to Vietnam; the dynamics involved are much the same but they're occurring in one of the most polarized political environments in memory. I mean, how many 'administrations' have been involved? how many different generals? ... granted, the turnover in military leadership is, for the most part slower but there's been many over the last 20 years

at this stage it's very important to remember how we got here and who initiated everything, and why

'co-equal' branches in our system of government really aren't and includes a very powerful component beyond the control of the voters, and that's the aforementioned 'real' deep-state which ALWAYS has the ear of whichever 'nominally' civilian commander in chief they may answer to

when examining the actions of any nation-state it's crucial to account for it's governing components and not blur the line between any of them or it's civilian populace for that matter; once politicians reach the 'national stage' I don't think they can be considered 'civilians' any longer btw

bottom line, ready fire aim caused the mission in Afghanistan and that's on BushII ... what came after the demise of Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda drifted
through several iterations of 'mission creep' creating the environment
where there wasn't, and couldn't be an optimal withdrawal plan

simply because that would require the 'host' nation to step-up and since Afghanistan is an artificial construct inhabited by a population inured to tribalism, militant religiousity, and thoroughly corrupt gov't that's an impossibility where wishful thinking intersects with miscalculation all over the map ... no matter the timeline the results would be the same

I agree that it was best to pull the plug and let the chips fall as they may and since Biden understands he's a one term president, he was willing to deal with the fallout and consequences & to his great credit in my mind

that the logistics involved is all on the Pentagon throughout the entire history of all and any deployments just underscores several of the points each of us made here ... thanks again for fine tuning your focus


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  • RE: Blaming this administration for the current happenings is like blaming... - rivervalley817 13:42:48 08/17/21 (0)


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