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RE: SS simply isn't needed and I'l never do it

Fair enough. I can't stand SS amps for mids and highs (the upper ordered HD makes them sound bad). I have a Cit 5 but honestly I haven't really listened to it (I should sell it). I own one Cit 2 and have owned two others. I sold them. I can't stand the way they sound (all those pentodes with their upper ordered HD and all that feedback trying to fix it). That amp ends up sounding like a SS amp.
I built a different amp (different front end circuit using triodes and put the output tubes in triode mode) with the Cit 2 I kept. My cousin uses it. It doesn't sound bad. The output transformers are outstanding. I have a spare pair of Cit 2 output transformers. I built a all triode PP 300B amp using them. That amp sounded good but I like DHT SE better.

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