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Sub used only for HT LFE

While I overpaid for a high output, musical sub, I currently use it only for HT LFE using digital crossover in preamp/processor for bass management (full range for mains, 50 Hz crossover for center/sub).

For 2-channel mode, I do not use the sub. While the sub is VERY capable of integrating with the mains, my too-brief experiments with less-than-steller interconnects suggests a loss of transparency when I run the line level outs to the subwoofer, use the sub's crossover, and run again to the main amp. The sub's contribution for really low bass is beneficial for a small number of pieces but not enough to overcome the slight loss at the higher frequencies for all music. Maybe if I hooked up silver garden hose interconnects to/from sub and preamp/amp....

Speakers' -3dB point is 30 Hz so I already have main speakers with decent frequency response. 8" woofers in surrounds and 2x6" woofers in center could benefit from a sub; I might consider high quality subs with speaker-level inputs (e.g. RELs) but this could get expensive.

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  • Sub used only for HT LFE - oscar 17:19:45 05/06/02 (0)

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