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S'phile Recommended Components & Audio Research

I just received my April S'phile in the mail, and noticed again that Audio Research is rather conspicuously absent in virtually every category (with the exception of V60si mid-level integrated amp in the "integrateds" section). Of course my interest is somewhat biased (why else do people post to these threads?) in that I have had lower-level ARC products in my system since the early 1980s, but objectively from everything I have heard myself at demos, and seen in printed reviews in other publications, the ARC Reference series is very highly regarded in amps, pre-amps, phono amps, and even DACS. So I thought that to exclude ARC from all those categories, regardless of whether the reviewers felt they were "class A" or "B" or even "C" was odd.

I know from previous threads that there is a specific reason that Magnepan products are excluded (ironically, of course, I use Maggies with my ARC components...) and don't want to re-open that debate. But I wondered if there is also a specific reason that ARC components aren't listed. (incidentally, on a related note, I'm also surprised that given all the debate over Class D amplifiers, the ARC DS225 and 450 amps have never even been reviewed. I realize that it is difficult to list a product as "recommended" if it is never reviewed - chicken & egg.)
- Pete

Edits: 03/16/12

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Topic - S'phile Recommended Components & Audio Research - palewin 07:18:04 03/16/12 (54)


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