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Re: Amplifier transformer hum: what to do?

Go to breaker board while unit humming, in your case since it is continuous, you won't have to have someone else go while you keep ear to intermittent hum. Turn off each breaker one by one to see which one is carrying the hum. Once you isolate the zone of your house causing trouble, go there and turn off (unplug) each appliance, lamp, etc. In my case, intermittent, it was a light bulb most recently. Tried different bulb brands till it went away. Another time it was bad rheostat, another, a GFI was faulty.

Typically, it isn't the equipment, especially my experience with audiophile gear, though I've had a few pieces that it was. On tube equipment, it can often be a tube that does it. Also, redraping wire often can cure it, but in my case, it's now usually something plugged in somewhere in the house hopping mysteriously on the line.

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  • Re: Amplifier transformer hum: what to do? - Col 12:27:13 06/24/04 (0)

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