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Re: NAD AV Receiver + Rotel RB 1070 Amp?

Where I worked we sold both Rotel and NAD home theatre stuff. The interesting thing in your post to me is that you talk of the bass response. Since this was a Home Theatre demo are you taking into account the sub(s) that were used? The room and speakers used in each demo as well? Was the demo material the exact same? I remeber I had to test a customers Tag McLaren processor so we hooked it up to the NAD that was the same model as yours a few years before. Me and my co-worker were shocked and well we should this processor was a 6K piece. The bass got better everything got better. I was mostly shocked at the bass improvement and overall clarity. It was like a motorcycle racer removing a tear-off from his face shield on a rainy day race. Sorry that was all off track a bit. The biggest difference between the two products is on the top end-Rotel being brighter. This to me and my ear w/B&W's being brighter makes the NAD my choice. You may feel otherwise of course. These two products have power supplies good enough to actually drive all channels at once and get very close to the rated power. Hopefully someday the FTC will step in and make the manufacturers prove that these HT receivers can actually drive all channels at once which less than 1 in 10* can. They can claim 100 watts per channel now if just one channel can do it. There are other reputable manufacturers of course but clearly (pardon the pun) the overwhelming majority are grossly overstating their claims. Also remember since we hear logrythmically doubling the power from 50 to 100 WPC is going to give a roughly 3DB boost, which may be just what you want. Also in HT make sure the crossovers are set properly. With a lower power receiver try setting all the speakers to "small" even if they are larger speakers to make more efficient use of the power that you have. Also find a dealer with a home demo/loaner program who will let you try out the product with your system first. Good luck!


* I helped a friend last weekend buy a cheap HT receiver for his kids in the basement. KLH, $149,Best Buy. Rated 100X5. No way! The thing weighed 10 pounds at most. Can you imagine a power supply weighing 10 pounds that produces 500 watts RMS? Please! (Carver?) But you get what you pay for and this $149 piece was fine for his kids........if it lasts a few years anyway. Corporation are always looking out for your needs especially these days..........

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