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what the table was sitting on. I have to disagree here on the marriage of the two however as I don't have any problem ever with Grado/Rega being a bad mate. They are great matches as far as mass/compliance goes and sound very nice together. The only thing that dances are the listeners! Also the only issue concerning the Grado that anyone has even been curious about here has been a very slight hum at the end of an Lp with a near silent passage on some classical Lps. On any other Lp, it is not even an issue as the carts sound great and people actually prefer it to others even with the hum as it is so low that they find it to be laughable once they hear it demonstarted for them. In fact the exact match that you had, well a P3 and a Platinum, was so well received by one fellow here that his co-worker came in a few weeks later and bought the exact same set-up as he was so impressed after hearing his buddy's rig. I just can't agree with hearsay when I have tons of actual physical evidence, sorry. There can be other explanations and perhaps you are confusing an older S-shaped arm with an older Grado cartridge or another table, but no current Rega arm will cause a Grado to "dance".

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