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I'm not immune.

I remember when the first sets of "audiophile" interconnects showed up at a local audio store. I jumped, even though the price was high for the day.
Of course, I swore up and down the cables made a huge difference but in reality they didn't sound any different than the cheap stuff from Radio Shack.
My brain said I heard a difference but the difference wasn't really there. After a few weeks, the cables went in a drawer and never came out again.
As far as inflation goes though, if anything, there's been deflation. A good example is LP prices. The MoFi LPs I bought back in the late 70s, they were $18 bucks. That's 84 2023 dollars.
But reissues from outfits like Rhino, Craft, Blue Note, Verve, they're in the $30-$35 range which would have been $7-$8 in 1978.
The Schiit Vidar amp is $800, which was 171 1978 dollars. You couldn't even get a decent 20wpc receiver for $170 in 1978.
I bought a Fosi V3 last month. It was $130. In 1978, it would have set me back a whopping $30.

The blissful counterstroke-a considerable new message.

Edits: 01/31/24 01/31/24

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