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Re: Which capasitors?

Dunno about the Jensen /audionote foil'n oils.. still not tried them, they are supposed to be good, but then so were Hovlands (which were much inferior to stock in my system).
The 'improvement' available in your system depends entirely on how good the crossover components were to begin with... the best quality speakers show the least improvement with a simple 'parts' substitution... but then that should be fairly obvious ;-)
Best advice would be to begin by simply 'bypassing' your HF cap with a low value cap (solens are good and inexpensive)listen for a while and then think about further substitutions... going out and
pre-buying a mess 'o parts is a recipie for instant dissapointment.

Good luck..

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  • Re: Which capasitors? - Bare 21:17:32 12/08/01 (0)

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