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RE: "a new pair of the 300B grey bottles"....

Hi Hardy!

I'm delighted to hear that your Psvane 300B "grey bottles" tubes are providing you with such wonderful listening. As for myself, I'm ecstatic that these new Psvane "replica" tubes, while admittedly expensive, are actually out performing many of the highly regarded NOS uber-expensive tubes. So much excuses such as: "the art of tube building has died with the original tube manufacturers or "the materials used in the 30s-60's tubes was vastly superior to the materials that are being used in today's tubes" as being the reasons for why tubes being made today were, in many cases, so sonically inferior to the older NOS tubes.

IMHO the two main possible reasons why newly manufactured tubes performed so poorly in comparison to the older NOS tubes ---{at least up until these last few years}--- was because; a) the Russian and Chinese militaries only required tubes that were reliable and performed well. Sound quality wasn't a concern for either of them. Hence it took some time for their tube manufactures to learn how to make tubes that also sounded good in addition to being reliable & performing well and b) I believe this is the main reason. They wanted to be able to raise the prices of these new "audiophile quality" tubes. Who knows, maybe they're actually doing something really different and more expensive in the process of making these tubes that are even surpassing the highly coveted NOS tubes?

But I really cannot think of what that might be. I believe it was all part of a deliberate plan ---{step b up above}--- to charge prices that were considerably higher than the prices of the tubes they were previously making. However at the same time they had to be less than the price of the NOS tubes audiophiles dearly coveted. This led to an intentional, but actually unrequired delay, until enough time had passed and they could pretend to have suddenly "discovered" the means to manufacture tubes that equaled or surpassed the sonics of older NOS tubes! Thus in creating new tubes that audiophiles craved, while still expensive, were cheaper than the older NOS tubes they were out performing. So despite being more expensive ---{giving the Chinese & Russian manufacturers what they want}--- they appeared to be a sonic bargain ---{giving audiophile/music lovers what they want}--- and in the end made everyone essentially happy!

In the end this is truly all that matters, no? If we as audiophile/music lovers are happy with what we receive for the price we pay! I for one, find these $1430/quad WE845 to be expensive and a sonic bargain at the same time. I know of no $1438 wires, preamp, DAC etc. that could give me the level of sonic improvement these tubes did. I know a $4K tubed preamp didn't!

I'm listening to:

A Paul Simon Songbook by Bill Cunliffe & Friends

Thetubeguy1954 (Tom)

Central Florida Audio Society -- SETriodes Group -- Space Coast Audio Society
Full-range/Wide-range Drivers --- Front & Back-Loaded Horns --- High Sensitivity Speakers

Edits: 03/15/14

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