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Despite what Ms. CfL says (i.e., "70 is the new 60"). . .

. . . I definitely think you're OLD when you get to 60, and a GEEZER when you get to 70. (I'm 75 and still work part time as a piano accompanist to our many fine local babe string players - and THAT's certainly something that keeps you young, in spirit anyway. Frankly, I don't see how they put up with me!) When I get to 80, I expect to fit the ANCIENT classification, and if I get to 90, I'll be well on my way to the FADING AWAY category. ;-)

In answer to your question, yes, I expect to attend the California Audio Show this year (just as I did last year - when it was but a shadow of its former self). I've seen attendees with walkers at a couple of these shows - more power to them, but if I ever need a walker, I think I'll probably stay home. Since I'm mainly interested in 5Ch and Dolby Atmos these days, almost nothing at these various shows is what I really want to hear, but I still like to attend anyway, since I do still listen to stereo (even mono) sometimes, and there are always a few equipment brands I'm interested in.

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