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Wretched Excess from CH Precision

Exact details here, if you really care.


$91k for a one box DAC, $127k for a 3 box DAC, and $27k for an external clock. Really? Really?? $27k for an external clock, which will make no difference in what you hear unless you have the hearing of a dog? And a 3 box DAC? How is it superior to the one box DAC? And can anyone who can afford it hear any difference? People who can afford this stuff buy it for show, and people who could hear differences are likely old farts with excess money and poor hearing.

I don't get it. Who is the market for such goods? No matter. The audio press will assist the manufacturer's sales efforts with free publicity. Isn't that the function of the audio press anyway?

Lack of skill dictates economy of style. - Joey Ramone

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Topic - Wretched Excess from CH Precision - Mike K 08:13:39 05/02/24 (27)


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