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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

Re: You might be interested in this ...

"*** Because no standard criteria was ever established to define "correct" in this regard. ***"

The criteria exist and are a trivial extension of Nyquist-Shannon. Tackling ASRC is nothing more than combining standard good-practice AA or AI filtering with a suitable form of interpolation (you need *something* to get from fs1 to fs2), plus a compensation for the sampling-peculiarities of the chosen interpolation method. Nothing of this is conceptually very hard, although correct implementations are not feasible in cheap silicon. But with software, or custom/over-engineered silicon, it can be done very well indeed.

"As you can see from the link provided, very few SRC algorithms perform well. I was shocked at how bad the resamplers built into well regarded software such as Pro Tools, Pyramix, SaDiE, etc. are."

(Hey, they updated their comparison site! Now it shows the raised wide-band noise floor of Audition.)

Yes. But a more interesting shock is to learn that some, often cheap, implementations are near-perfect. Which proves the point that, conceptually, this is not difficult at all. You have to be thorough, that's all. Apparently that was not the case with the designers of a lot of the pro tools.

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