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Re: What makes a Rega Planet "Analog-like"?

The existence or not of PRAT is a periodic matter of discussion here. People who use the term say that some systems simply get their toes tapping more than others -- some are just better at conveying the feel of rhythm. I dunno. Your comments are right, but it's not unimaginable that there are other qualities of audio gear that make the experience of rhythm somehow stronger.

Re Rega, it's got a lush, distinctive sound that's very nice. My own experience, FWIW, was that the Rega tended to be slightly less detailed and perhaps because of that it would bring the featured instrument or vocalist a little more forward and push the backing vocals/instruments more to the back. My own favorite for hearing what a source component does is a capella gospel music, both because differences in timbre stand out and because of the interplay between soloist and chorus. If you have a dealer who will let you line up several CD players and compare, the differences should stand out. Chamber music with strings is great; if you're a musician pick a great recording with your instrument.

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