Home Cable Asylum

Interconnects, speaker wire, power cords. Ask the Cable Guys.

This is the voice of reason

> Yes, the twisted pair design sounds better, but not by a huge
> margin, not say "twice as good", in fact, on an absolute scale,
> no cable I know of sounds "twice as good" as stock 89259,
> there just are not that kind of huge differences once we get to
> the level of performance acheived here.

So right. No, I have not heard the mega buck cables, but I take Jon's word for it. Once I heard the 89259/89248 twisted pair I was sold. It's a no brainer. Done deal. Make the twisted pair and you are done. They are fantastic. Some sort of $300+ silver cable, or even cheaper let's say, might give you more inner detail but it I'd be hard pressed to believe it has the sheer "rightness" and "correctness" of this cable. Period.

There, I said it.

Sean H

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  • This is the voice of reason - Sean H 02:19:56 06/27/01 (0)

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