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RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues...

Thanks for the update on your sub | as well as your plans on upgrading key equipment within your system, as my mind once again tells me it all begins at the source. I mean c'mon relying upon a $200 turntable or DAC ( music server ) as the beginning of one's chain driving say $30.000 speakers is beyond me. I'd far rather do like many had discovered back in the early 80s, by driving said a then pair of the original Wharfedale Dimonds with a Krell KSA 200, which would produce all sort of low end bass ( mid-bass ) rumbling from said speakers and was very very impressive to say the least.

I myself was looking into adding the Gustard Audio N18 ( silver | $389 ) Audiophile grade Ethernet Switch, but I'm somewhat torn between this and just adding two of the iFi Audio LAN iSilencers into the mix as well. As I too would think that even a 5-10 year old Neodio DAC could easily see many of the so-called modern DAC's upwards of $5000 off with ease as it's a very very stunning design to behold, of which I'd buy it alongside its matching integrated amp if I had the funds in a minute, such are the aesthetic appeal on my end, as I buy with both my ears | eyes it seems, i5 has to have a polished look even to gain access into our home.

I'd think it'd make sense to go to the Zidoo forum and make said suggestion for an option for silver finished products, provided it might be a sandblasted type, as the finish on several of the Denafrips DACs I've owned would showcase fingerprints | lint within the surface areas as if built in, which proved very difficult for me to clean, even after having purchased about 5 different aluminum cleaning agents to do so, but I've to get it up to the silver finished Gustard X20 Pro DAC, which was the best I had ( and have ) ever laid eyes upon, thanks again for your willingness to share this one with me Sondek, only thing was it taught me to avoid anything with digital readout, due to having had several DACs ( items ) displays become burnt out in areas within their screens which for me was definitely a no-no, regardless of sound, where it'd have made more sense had the manufacture made them where said displays could be cut off all together, as opposed to merely being dimmed, this burnt out shit still came through even in a darkened room.

So for me, it seems it's the digital side of things that require my attention | as always let the journey continue...-, I'll see you around.

Peace Be Onto You | Yours.

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  • RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues... - el34eh@yahoo.com 08:17:45 04/14/24 (0)


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