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RE: Pinging Jon L.

Tangram | All,

I merely wanted to share an update on the direction of AC | IEC plugs in which I intend to sample the different flavors of plating on the Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition PC, as a means of hopefully enhancing its rather laid-back top end in favor of extending it.

I've purchased sets of both Xangsane XS-D01 | XS-D02 Rhodium Plated Platinum Copper | Viborg V503S Silver Plated Copper | A Single Monosaudio F101 IEC Female Copper | F101R AC Male Plugs ( as the latter two of which I already have an Copper F101 Male | F101R Rhodium Plated Copper IEC Female in-house ).

Here's a recent letter regarding said Accuphase | Monosaudio P902 PCs from an email buddy in which I met over on Head-Fi where we've managed to keep one another informed on said chats on the whole AliExpress cable thingy over there:

Hello Oscar. All the best to you and yours for a wonderful 2024.

As usual I'm a little late to get back to you but hopefully still useful.

The slightly rolled off highs are truly the only issue I took with the Accuphase over the P902 in my system, and only when compared back-to-back. I was recently on the lookout for a PC and wondered if I could find something as good as the P902 but without the thickness and rigidity of it, for the awkward space behind my kit. I saw the p902R but it looked like a re-badged p902 to me with a price premium, so, to your question, unfortunately I didn't try it.

I then trawled through that Headfi "Aliexpress Cable" thread we were both on to see if I'd missed any other gems and saw that "dougms3" had rated the P902 very highly but slightly preferred the Valhalla 15 Core, so ordered one of those from the same Timeless Audio Store he ordered from - https://www.aliexpress.us/item/1005003123210874.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt. Others also seemed to love it.

When compared to the P902, it was a really tough comparison, because they are so close on all the usual measures - extension on top and bottom, soundstage, resolution. They are both exceptional but I felt that the Valhalla 15 Core was ever so slightly (I had to go back-to-back a few times) more open/extended in the highs. I struggled to decide whether I preferred it because on a couple of tracks it bordered on too much of a good thing. That said, it stayed in the main rig, and that was a couple of months ago. It's a nice alternative to the P902 but I wouldn't go so far as to say better - for bright systems I think the P902 is a safer bet.

P.S it was no more flexible than the P902 - it's another snake of a beast . Btw I also ordered and tried the Valhalla 12 core version for use on the DAC in my second system, again in the hope that it'd be more flexible (it was) but it fell short of both the P902 and 15 core Valhalla.

I hope that is of some use to you, assuming that you haven't already tried it for yourself

Cheers mate!

P.S, I am on the lookout for another set of RCA interconnects. Can I trouble you for your current favorite?

It goes without saying, but I recommended the Xangsane SP-6008Ag sterling silver IC's on his behalf, as I've come to absolutely love what they bring to my system | as well as ideally fit into my mindset of how music should be rendered.

At this point I'm committed to extracting the best out of the Accuphase 40th PC | as I've become more and more aware of it's potential, yet once again have to believe that some random combination of said plugs can only improve upon it's already beautiful sound | musicality where I'm once again not even remotely thinking of moving on to another brand | it's time for me once and for all to know when it's time to stop chasing slight differences just for the sake of following the most current fashion statements.

Take care all.
O_o scar

Edits: 01/07/24

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