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RE: Power cord recommendation

Great timing Kat800,

As I was just about to post on a currently released power cord from Monosaudio, as shown here:

Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! $87.48 | Monosaudio P905 High End Square Perfect Surface Copper Conductor Audiophile AC Power Cable with Carbon Fibe Rhodium Plated Power


After having followed a very very extended thread about the AliExpress cables over on Head-Fi.org, I've exchanged plenty of emails with a fellow from Australia on all of said options, as he was the only one in which I noted has gone through about 12 different makes.

He was actually the one that I mentioned awhile back having turned me onto the Accuphase 40th Anniversary Edition cord of which I've come to simply adore as compared to pure copper PCs I've owned in the past ranging in prices between $400-$800 ( my tapping out point on said cords ) but in all honesty thinking about the overall sonics of power tubes like the 300Bs, where I feel like EL34s are more midrange eccentric and tend to roll on both the very top and bottom end extremities more so that power tubes like 2A3s | 45s | 845s | EL84s which once again to my ears offer more of a sense of attack | nimbleness | correctness on all counts.

With that being said, one can alter the sense of speed | attack of notes by voicing said warmer | creamier | slightly mellowed presentation by using some form of silver plated or pure silver PCs, yet it's only based upon my way of voicing any given component according to what it says it requires, all one has to do is " listen " the components will in fact let you know what it " wants ", which in turn takes the guesswork out of the equation all together.

Logically as I figured out back in 2000, upon hearing the NordOst line here in Michigan at one of our local audio shops, these silver plated copper cables as some have found are slightly brighter sounding with solid state gear ( YMMV ) but to my mind I believe they really shine | were created in mind for those using SET based systems as a means of restoring said lack of attack | top end detailing capabilities, but than again, I'm basing this on actual listening as opposed to guessing what's what?, or reviews produced based upon written words because of advertising dollars.

Yet as I came late to having even given much thought to having used an silver plated copper PCs on any of the 5 integrated amps I currently own, until I pursued a Greg Knight GK-6008Ag version of the Xangsane version using the same type of wiring harness, but to my surprise all I can say is I replaced both a Viborg MBU1606 | MBU1501 pure copper PCs within 3-5/ tracks, but in the end as I view it having learned what I've since..., said Xangsane ( Greg King ) PCs for one's amplification is a must hear, and everywhere else I'd say the only rational options are said Accuphase | Monosaudio P902 | P902R ( better dressed version of the P902 ) or said P905.

Here's said guy's assessment on said PCs ( of which I believe were posted awhile ago as well ):
Monosaudio P902R Series PC:

Hello Oscar! I enjoyed your posts in this thread and miss seeing you around here. The subject matter has taken an esoteric veer towards grounding boxes, and I hope that it returns to the core subject.

I am touched by your acceptance of my recommendation and really enjoyed reading your thoughts on Audio Asylum. I'm not sure that I'd express a word differently - the Accuphase truly was a revelation for me, easily outperforming the Neardost cables, commercial cables that far exceed its cost, and at least a half dozen other AE PC cables. Having retired or returned others, I plan to keep the 3 Accuphase cables that ordered (unmodified) for their sheer musicality and the "body" that they bring to my main system - which needs a little taming - all whilst maintaining excellent resolution and soundstage.

On the P902 - despite many words read and years in this hobby, you'll have to forgive the way that I express it - it took all of the magic that the Accuphase gave me and sprinkled it with a little more resolution and extension at the top, while (perhaps) giving up a little of the lower bass extension. Overall, and in my system, that equated to a little more depth in the soundstage and (again, a little) better separation of instruments. All that said, as between the two, it's probably a question of flavour rather than quality - and that's why I'm keeping the Accuphase cables in rotation. I've had 3 variants of the P902:

I first DIY'd from bulk cable and found that tricky because each conductor has 7 individually wrapped solid cores, matched with these connectors:

then bought this (which sounded essentially the same as the DIY version)

and finally this:

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/100...9c16760806839798091e149f!12000031690329097!sh - a version with "pure copper" connectors that sell individually at a significant premium to the 1 and 2 above connectors.

I wasn't sure that I'd hear the upgrade in connectors but I did - it was small but indisputably noticeable and I validated that with a friend on both my system and his. For context, I'm driving McIntosh MC302 power into B&W 804 Diamonds, fed by a modded Bluesound Node and Schitt Bifrost 2 (my weakest link - I'm eyeing off the Pontus II).

As far as my current way of thinking goes...-, others can invest as much as they'd like on PCs, but in my world in " Mi-Fi " these $45-$120:PCs are all I intend to use from this moment forth " PERIOD ".

Edits: 01/02/24

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  • RE: Power cord recommendation - el34eh@yahoo.com 10:24:19 01/02/24 (0)


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