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.. until you read the info or look up the facts.

First, the graph published at the individuals web site was not for an HT product, but for one he "thought" was the same as the HT product.

Second, they are not using digital modulation or encoding techniques, but rather, analog light transmision via photoreceptors. As a simple example, varying the light level from an LED in response to the analog signal strength, and feeding that into a photcell with a DC bias across it, is a similar kind of technique.

As for the roller coaster frequency response, I don't suppose you noticed that it was on a scale of tenth's of a dB for the major divisions, and the total deviation from approx. 40-50 Hz on up to around 100 kHz was about +/- 0.1 dB. Not exactly what most folks would call a roller coaster FR, in fact, many CD players and electronics like preamps and power amps have comparable frequency response deviations, or even greater. Most modern HT receivers vary this much OR MORE.

So don't let your ignorance and bias affect your evaluation of such a technology, and please find out the true facts before posting your misunderstandings as fact.

What ever happened to the pursuit of "Science" ? This kind of post sure isn't it.

Jon Risch

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