Home Radio Road

Which tuner to get and getting the most from it. Thank God, for the radio!

MR-78 Gone Bad?

I got the Mac MR78 from my children's pediatrician when he retired (had one at home and one in the office). I put an antenna w/ rotator on the roof and I could get stations even after they signed off for the night. IT WAS GREAT!!

But now, after a couple of years, all that seems to be gone. The tuner doesn't tune; static even on local stations, and terrible between stations. It's very difficult to even tune in some stations; they just don't seem to be there anymore. My alternate tuner still does OK on the locals, but could never compare with the 78.

Is this characteristic of the 78? Does it require regular service? where do you get service? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanx

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Topic - MR-78 Gone Bad? - spence 15:09:14 10/26/04 (7)

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