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Distortion question --- Need expertise !!!

I am building a PSE amp using 300B.

I would like to find out the distortion of the parallel 300B stage(only on power tube stage). It is because the distortion level of 300B seems to have relation on its Grid bias, plate voltage and plate load impedence.

Suppoing a voltgae gain and driving stage have THD of 1.5 percent when producing max volt swing of 65V rms. At the OPT output THD is measured at 6% when producing 12V rms.

My question is: Is that the distortion of 300B stage + OPT as simple as 6% - 1.5% = 4.5 % ?

Does anyone in this forum have suggestion on those parameter combination(grid bias, plate v, load impedance) which can minimize the distortion(primarily on odd harmonic). My current custom-made Power Transformer has 455V plate V and I am planning to use self-bais on 300B.

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Topic - Distortion question --- Need expertise !!! - Eric Chan 06:58:27 03/10/03 (4)

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