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1.6 rigidity, revisited

for a long time i've been using a wooden platform on the
rear stands of my maggies 1.6, together with alu bars
(one each side) to make them about 80% more rigid;
as already described in this post:


yet recently i added a further, very heavy platform,
screwed to the former one and also to the maggie, then
i added a second, longer alu bar each side, from the top of the 1.6
(screwed) to the end of the second platform (screwed),
so increasing rigidity by 95%; now there is no motion at all
when i push the maggie on the top end, although there is
still some vibration when i strongly push and suddenly leave;
the improvement is on the same lines than the ones
already described on the former post

i made a very simple drawing of the whole thing (click
below) through Word, and Mart was so kind as to convert
it into gif format (thanks!); what you see in the front
side is a heavy sand box, and the box on the rear side
is the power amp (on Audio Selection dampers, similar
to Vibrapods), whose outputs are connected directly to
the panels, through very short runs of Goertz M1 (i'm
passively line level vertical biamping);
finally, you can see the spikes on heavy granite slabs

best, paco

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Topic - 1.6 rigidity, revisited - paco 00:51:59 12/24/01 (2)

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