Home Digital Drive

Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

Instant NEW system....cooooll

My Cal Delta and Sigma II have been collecting dust in my garage after modding a Toshibia via Vinnie Rossi's instructions.....about 1 1/2 years ago. I also head a great Headroom Maxed Home before they transformed their home line into very expensive stuff! Picked up the cardas/Senheizer 600 combo from a friend for $250....great deal.

It finally dawned on me....lets get all this stuff together and have a 2nd audio system in the house. Wallaaa.........it's incredibly great...dynamic as all get out.

I do miss the soundstage of my main system, but for certain recordings....it feels alright. Just finished Arvo Part's "Te Deum". A perfect example of a recording that can convey it's musical intent w/o soundstage. The 600s are the closest I'll ever get to full range speakers!

Tom B.

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Topic - Instant NEW system....cooooll - Tom B. 19:36:24 03/04/07 (0)

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