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Re: DIY Cable.com Fat Ones, Skinny Ones, Superlative

The Skinny Ones are just Belden 89259 in a kit with Cardas connectors, techflex, adhesive lined shrink and instructions w/pictures.

The Fat Ones are Jon's twisted pair design in a kit. There are some differences. We started doing these with a Norprene tube over the twisted pair to stand off the shield. I've been experimenting with an easier method as the Norprene tube had to be slit down the length to get the twisted pair inside. Then you had to heatshrink over that to keep it from sneaking out of the Norprene. Over that we used a braided copper shield and then a layer of Techflex on top. Needless to say that all these steps and components made them expensive and large (thus the name the Fat Ones). Within the last couple months I've made them with just a 1/2" polyolefin HS over the twisted pair and then the shield slipped over the twisted pair + HS. A good friend measured the capacitance/ft of both designs and they both come in at 10.5pf/ft unterminated. With the Cardas RCAs in a 1.0M pair we get 16.5pf/ft for both syles of cable. I've done enough listening with them and I can not tell the difference between the old style and the new. My buddy who does my instructions has also done some listening test and came to the conclusion that the differences between cables was insignificant. So... we are now offering the Fat Ones on a diet without the Norprene tubing. :)

The Superlative are a twisted pair design based on Continuous Cast Copper. We have experimented with various winding, twisting and multiple pairs and I finally threw up my hands and decided there is a lot to be said about simple twisted pair designs. We space the conductors with Teflon and then over the twisted pair goes a skinny version of the Norprene we used to use in the Fat Ones. Over that goes a shield and techflex and the entire she-bang is terminated with Cardas RCAs. The first versions I used were just a simple twisted pair with the CCC and no spacing. The capacitance/ft was on the order of 70pf/ft when terminated with Cardas RCAs. The version we are using now is down around 40pf/ft terminated in 1.0M pairs. I really like the Superlatives because they are easier to build than the Fat Ones and subjectively I like what they do. Cables are tweaks in my mind though and I pretty much accept that different people with differing systems are going to prefer different cables.

All of our cables are DIY designs that have been packaged to make it easy for people to build them. The goal was to keep pricing such that the kit price is close to what you could source all the parts for by shopping around and making it easier than shopping through multiple vendors. We also have worked on directions that we have tweaked as we learned and tried new things that include color pictures and text.

Man I'm really a blabbermouth... didn't mean for this to turn into an essay. I better stop.

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  • Re: DIY Cable.com Fat Ones, Skinny Ones, Superlative - Kevin P 16:48:22 02/28/02 (0)

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